Take control of your debt and pay one single, affordable monthly repayment.
Octogen is SA's leading Debt Counselling company.
Our goal is to help you reduce your debt and improve your financial position. Through our 6-step debt-review process, we have helped thousands of South Africans break the cycle of bad debt. At Octogen we’re different because we care. Our team will take the time to understand your financial situation and guide you to the best debt solution for your needs.
Try our calculator below to see how we can help you to become debt free.
Who we are
The Octogen group have been involved with Financial Wellbeing since 2002 & Debt Counselling since 2009. We are registered with National Credit Regulator (NCR) for Debt Counselling & Alternative Dispute Resolution.
Octogen has a team of Financial Wellbeing Consultants and Debt Counsellors to guide you through your financial challenges. We will provide you with a free financial wellness offering that includes analysing your credit profile and assessing your spending behaviour.
Debt Review Awards
We have been participating in the Debt Review Awards since 2015 and remain within the Top 5 National Debt Counsellors.

Debt Review Benefits
You pay only one reduced affordable monthly instalment.
You save on interest and fees.
You have a new budget to pay for all your living expenses and you can breathe again.
Credit Providers cannot repossess your home or car. We will safeguard your assets if you speak to us early on, and where they have not initiated legal action.
You will be protected against legal action.
You will not pay any fees upfront. The National Credit Regulator (NCR) regulates all fees applicable.
We speak to your creditors and we will negotiate an affordable repayment.
The freedom of money in your pocket again!
Debt Review Statistics
Take a breath of Octogen
Financial Wellbeing
We will assist you to find a solution that will improve your financial wellbeing in years to come. Be smart, ask a question and get your financial score,
and guidance to improve it.
Budget Repair Service
Our qualified Financial Coaches can help you to analyse your budget and suggest spending behaviour changes to improve your Cash Flow and Credit Score.
Debt Counselling
Start your debt repayment plan today. Debt Review will allow you to structure your budget and enable you to repay your debt under the protection of the National Credit Act (NCA).
Alternative Dispute Resolution
We can help you to save your house or vehicle, resolve a credit dispute, check for reckless credit prescription and overcharging, or when you are in arrears re-negotiate a payment plan.
Financial Wellbeing
We will assist you to find a solution that will improve your financial wellbeing in years to come. Be smart, ask a question and get your financial score and how to improve it.
Debt Counselling
Start your debt repayment plan today. Debt Review will allow you to structure your budget and enable you to repay your debt under the protection of the National Credit Act (NCA).
Budget Repair Service
Our qualified Financial Coaches can help you to analyse your budget and suggest spending behaviour changes to improve your Cash Flow and Credit Score..
Alternative Dispute Resolution
We can help you to save your house or vehicle, resolve a credit dispute, check for Reckless Credit, Prescription and Overcharging or when you are in arrears re-negotiate a payment plan.
Corporate Packages
Empower employees to take control of their finances and get out of debt
Corporate Packages
Whether you require help as an individual or you feel your employees require an understanding and guidance on how to manage their debt, chat to us.
As an employer you have the ability to change a live forever. Your employees are valued not only through a salary payment, but also through guidance and life lessions.
At Octogen we have Financial Coaches who can help you to analyse budget and spending patterns, and suggest spending behaviour changes to improve
their Cash Flow and Credit Score.
Debt Counselling Process
Complete application document
Assess client’s financial position
Consumer applies for debt counselling by completing a Form 16 and by submitting relevant documentation. DC inform credit providers and credit bureaus of debt counselling application by issuing a Form 17.1 within five (5) business days of accepting application from consumer. Credit Providers will update debt counsellor of credit agreement(s) specific information by means of a Certificate of Balance (COB) within five (5) business days of receiving Form 17.1 notification.
Negotiate new repayment amounts
Restructure repayment plans
Consumer applies for debt counselling by completing a Form 16 and by submitting relevant documentation. DC inform credit providers and credit bureaus of debt counselling application by issuing a Form 17.1 within five (5) business days of accepting application from consumer. Credit Providers will update debt counsellor of credit agreement(s) specific information by means of a Certificate of Balance (COB) within five (5) business days of receiving Form 17.1 notification.
Pay monthly according to new budget
Complete debt review exercise and receive clearance certificate
Success Stories

Corporate service
Empower employees to take control of their finances and get out of debt
Now employees can deal with their debt
Debt is one of the most challenging financial issues facing most South Africans today. But it doesn’t have to be. Octogen has a unique and effective debt management system that combines cutting-edge technology with personal coaching – all focused on helping employees take control of their finances and get out of debt.


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